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2021 Facebook Responses

February 28, 2021

when I lost my son in December of 2012, to suicide, I received a card and dragonfly piece from your organization. Our community just lost another young man, Eddie Johnson to suicide-there have been many others over the past several years.... Can you please send a card to his mother. Mary Johnson, 400 3rd Avenue NE #17, Crosby, MN 56441. Thank you for what your are doing. I just competed the volunteer application... Sincerely, René Lind (Josh' Mom)

March 12, 2021

As a grieving Mom, I'll never forget getting my card and keychain in the mail.

I would love to be involved if there is a need for more?—Mickey Mohs

March 24, 2021

My niece received a card and keychain from you today and she shared it on fb. I can’t begin to tell you how perfect the timing of it was not only for her ... but for me. Losing my brother has been the single most difficult thing I’ve experienced, and lemme tell you, I know grief and loss. It wasn’t sent to me ... but it impacted me as if it was. I needed that poem. It prompted a conversation that might not have been had otherwise. Until now I’ve felt so isolated in my grief, especially the last couple of months. Your timing, this project and it’s message is everything. Thank you. Lisa, sister of Ted.

PS my profile pic is my beautiful baby brother, to put a face to the name.

June 11, 2021

just received this today and I feel blessed that my son Dallas forever 21 is still being remembered. Thank you my ❤️ It’s beautiful. –Lynette Roach

July 28 , 2021

A friend of mine just told me about this project! I love it! I lost my 22 year old son in 2014. My sign has always been a dragonfly…I truly believe! I lost my 7 month old grandson to SIDS two years ago…there are too many stories that involve dragonflies, that can’t be coincidence! I look forward to following your site!

Thank you!—Sheryal Lender Bailey

October 5, 2021

omg I love this so much I have just lost my mum, I'm sitting by Murray River in Echuca Victoria, I already have a dragonfly tattoo on my arm as its on the wall of children's hospital where my 9yo nephew goes to often. reading this has given me some piece thank you.—Irene Bramley

Dragonfly at Lighthouse in Canada, Photo by John East , July 17, 2021


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