Adam and the Dragonflies
As a Sunday school teacher, I became familiar with the story of Water Bugs and Dragonflies by Doris Stickney and had used it a few times in past years to help comfort children who had lost a loved one. I had never expected that the story, and dragonflies themselves, would eventually hold a very special place in my own heart.
My son Adam was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2019 at age 8, and passed away in 2020. Over the span of the 15 months, he was sick, the dragonfly story was in the back of my mind and I thought about how one day I would read it to my other two children to comfort them after Adam passed away. I was shocked though, to receive a clear sign from God one warm summer day that was confirmation to me that dragonflies would be even more important to me than I thought.
On my birthday, Adam had agreed to make the journey outside in his wheelchair to have cake. On the way back inside the house, a dragonfly landed on Adam's shoulder. It was at that moment I knew that dragonflies would be my sign and connection to Adam after he was no longer physically by my side.
So, a few months later, when I received my card and keychain from the Dragonfly Project, I couldn't believe my eyes! How did they possibly know how special dragonflies are to me!? I immediately went inside and emailed to find out how I could be a part of their incredible mission. Soon after, Pete Bonde, the executive director, was setting me up to complete my first batch of cards and keychain packets.
As time has passed, everyone in my family continues to have amazing interactions with dragonflies; things that never happened before Adam died. Frequently, they land and stay for a few minutes on each of us as we are outside. Thi
s past summer, we had one stay with us the whole time we played Adam’s favorite board game; landing on our hands and arms, and the game tiles while we played. Dragonflies have become a symbol of comfort and peace for our whole family. Being able to have a small part in the process of sending the Dragonfly Project cards to grieving people, and share with them this symbol of hope, has brought me so much joy. I'm so grateful that the Dragonfly Project found me!